杨泽华,硕士生导师,上海交通大学药学博士,美国Boston College访问学者,中国化学会会员。主要从事手性药物的设计、不对称合成及生物活性研究。作为项目负责人先后主持湖南省自然科学基金委员会,湖南省教育厅,湖南省卫健委及湖南省分子靶标新药研究协同创新中心等机构资助科研课题6项,作为主要研究人员参与国家自然科学基金2项。目前在国内外期刊和学术会议上发表科研论文20余篇。多次参加国际性学术会议并获最佳墙报奖。
2019/12-2020/12,美国Boston College,访问学者
1.湖南省自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 2023JJ30500, 新型手性Pincer金属催化剂的构建及在抗新冠药物奈玛特韦高效不对称合成中的应用,2023-01至2025-12
3.湖南省自然科学基金委员会, 青年基金,2018JJ3426, 含手性磷杂环戊烷的PONOP类Pincer-Pd催化剂的合成及在不对称催化反应中的应用,2018-01至2020-12
4.湖南省教育厅, 创新平台开放基金项目, 19K079,手性Pincer-Ni金属催化剂的制备及在螺环吡咯烷类药物不对称合成中的应用, 2020-01至2022-12
[1] Ye, Yu; Wu, Shulei; Wu, Zaoduan; Lei, Qianqian; Yang, Xuan; Cai, Hongyu; Jiang, Tao; Chen, Yuxuan; Dai, Mingzu; Yang, Zehua* "Pincer-metal complexes possessing pyrrolidine: synthesis, structural characterization, and cytotoxicity" Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 2024, 1020, 123346.
[2] Wu, Shulei; Lei, Qianqian; Wu, Zaoduan; Xie, Huifang; Zhang, Chen; Ye, Yu; Yi, Meiling; Chen, Mingsheng; Xu, Hao; Yang, Zehua* "Facile Synthesis of 2-Substituted Quinazolines via Ruthenium(II)-Catalyzed Acceptorless Dehydrogenative Coupling" Current Organic Chemistry 2024, 28, 305-318.
[3] Lei, Qianqian; Wu, Zaoduan; Ye, Yu; Xie, Huifang; Zhang, Chen; Yang, Xiangqi; Li, Bangbang; Xu, Hao; Yang, Zehua* "Synthesis of Gem-Dimethyl Bicyclic [3.1.0] Proline as an Antiviral Drug Intermediate" Mini-Reviews in Organic Chemistry 2024, 21, 1-10.
[4] 王军威; 刘慧康; 杨泽华*; 吴正兴; 张万斌 "碳氢链的选择性多位点官能化反应研究进展 " 有机化学 2024, 44, 1-12.
[5] Gao, CongXi; Tang, Caihong; Wu, Tingjuan; Hu, Yue; Peng, Yaling; Liu, Meiling; Liu, Qianwen; Chen, Hongfei; Yang, Zehua*; Zheng, Xing "Anticancer activity of oleanolic acid and its derivatives modified at A-ring and C-28 position" Journal of Asian Natural Products Research 2023, 25, 581–594.
[6] Liu, Huikang.; Li, Y.; Yang, Zehua; Ge, Qianyi; Wu, Zhenxing; Zhang, Wanbin. "Pd-Catalyzed Aerobic Intermolecular 1,2-Diamination of Conjugated Dienes: Regio- and Chemoselective Synthesis of Piperazines and 2-Piperazinones" Chemistry - A European Journal 2022, 28, e202201808.
[7] Ge, Qianyi; Meng, Jingjie; Liu, Huikang; Yang, Zehua*; Wu, Zhengxing; Zhang, Wanbin "Palladium‐Catalyzed Long‐Range Isomerization of Aryl Olefins" Chinese Journal of Chemistry 2022, 40, 2269-2275.
[8] Wu, Shulei; Wu, Zaoduan; Ge, Qianyi; Zheng, Xing; Yang, Zehua* "Antitumor activity of tridentate pincer and related metal complexes" Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry 2021, 19, 5254-5273.
[9] Xiang, Yijun; Ge, Qianyi; Wu, Shulei; Zheng, Xing; Yang, Zehua* "Synthesis and Application in Asymmetric Catalysis of P-Stereogenic Pincer–Metal Complexes" RSC Adv. 2020, 10, 9563-9578.
[10] Zhu, Yue; Yao, Xu; Long, Jin; Li, Rong; Liu, Yi; Yang, Zehua*; Zheng, Xing "Fluorine-Containing Chrysin Derivatives: Synthesis and Biological Activity" Nat. Prod. Commun. 2019, 14, 1-11.
[11] Yang, Zehua*; Xiao, Fang; Zhang, Yinxiang; Wu, Zaoduan; Zheng, Xing "Asymmetric Synthesis of Chiral Flavan-3-Ols" Natural Product Research 2019, 33, 2995-3010.
[12] Yang, Zehua; Xia, Chao; Liu, Delong; Liu, Yangang; Sugiya, Masashi; Imamoto, Tsuneo; Zhang, Wanbin "P-Stereogenic PNP Pincer-Pd Catalyzed Intramolecular Hydroamination of Amino-1,3-dienes" Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry 2015, 13, 2694-2702.
[13] Yang, Zehua*; Wei, Xuan; Liu, Delong; Liu, Yangang; Sugiya, Masashi; Imamoto, Tsuneo; Zhang, Wanbin "P-Stereogenic Pincer Iridium Complexes: Synthesis, Structural Characterization and Application in Asymmetric Hydrogenation" Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 2015, 791, 41-45.
[14] Yang, Zehua*; Liu, Delong; Liu, Yangang; Sugiya, Masashi; Imamoto, Tsuneo; Zhang, Wanbin "Synthesis and Structural Characterization of Nickel Complexes Possessing P-Stereogenic Pincer Scaffolds and Their Application in Asymmetric aza-Michael Reactions" Organometallics 2015, 34, 1228-1237.
[15] Xu, Yang; Yang, Zehua; Ding, Boqiang; Liu, Delong; Liu, Yangang; Sugiya, Masashi; Imamoto, Tsuneo; Zhang, Wanbin "Asymmetric Michael Addition of Diphenylphosphine to β,γ-Unsaturated α-Keto Esters Catalyzed by a P-Stereogenic Pincer-Pd Complex" Tetrahedron 2015, 71, 6832-6839.
[16] Hu, Kun; Yang, Zehua; Pan, Shasha; Xu, Huajin; Ren, Jie "Synthesis and antitumor activity of liquiritigenin thiosemicarbazone derivatives" European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2010, 45, 3453-3458.
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